BALS: Blocked Alternating Least Squares for Parallel Sparse Matrix Factorization on GPUs
Published in TPDS, 2021
Recommended citation: Jing Chen, Jianbin Fang, Weifeng Liu, Canqun Yang. "BALS: Blocked Alternating Least Squares for Parallel Sparse Matrix Factorization on GPUs." TPDS. 2021.
This article presents an efficient implementation of the alternative least squares (ALS) algorithm called BALS built on top of a new sparse matrix format for parallel matrix factorization Download paper here
Recommended citation: Jing Chen, Jianbin Fang, Weifeng Liu, Canqun Yang. (2021). “BALS: Blocked Alternating Least Squares for Parallel Sparse Matrix Factorization on GPUs.” TPDS. 2021.